Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Contagion Overstock Of Depleted Conglomerations

"The contagion overstock of depleted conglomerations are overlooking the skyline of deprivation until infinity strikes again."

-Kevin Woolsey, Editor of - Essential Knowledge

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Infinite Conflagration of Regimentation - Retrograded Falsification Mode

"The infinite conflagration of regimentation is ratifying the yanticulation station situation in retrograded falsification mode."
by Kevin A. Woolsey

Substantial Conglomerative Analogies of Compostulations

"Substantial conglomerative analogies of compostulations seem to be retrogressive in a noncologinical sense thus provoking the descriptive nonlinear collusive declination of anti-gravitational motivation postulates."

Anamorphic Phosphoric Mass of Delineated Sub Domains

"The anamorphic phosphoric mass of delineated sub domains are not congruent and passable to the unknowable deluge of incomprehensible quantities of silicates."

-Kevin A. Woolsey, Editor of Amazing Books to Read!